Pana Lake
Pana Lake
Pana Lake is located east of the City of Pana in Christian and Shelby Counties. Two lakes combine to cover 219 surface acres and consist of a separate older upper lake (69 acres) and a newer lower lake (144 acres). The maximum depth is 36 feet with an average depth of 13.7 feet.
A public boat launch is available only on the lower lake with a pavilion and picnic area. The City of Pana collects a boating access fee. All tournaments must be scheduled through ifishillinois.org. No boat rental is available at this time.
The fish population of Pana Lake is intensively surveyed every two years, primarily by electrofishing. The fish are measured, weighed, and scales collected for aging before releasing the fish alive. Channel catfish and muskellunge (muskie) are stocked annually through the IDNR hatcheries.
Yellow bass, longear sunfish, green sunfish, warmouth, and yellow bullheads are present but are seldom harvested by anglers due to the small size attained by most of these species. Gizzard shad and golden shiners are the primary forage for gamefish.
2 pole and line only with no more than two hooks or lures per pole. Muskie anglers: live bait in excess of 8 inches must be rigged with a quick strike rig.
For all other lake regulations, you may visit the Illinois DNR website.

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Pana is located close to several lakes - Beyers Lake, Lake Taylorville, Shelbyville Lake, Lake Sangchris and Ramsey Lake. Lakes include fishing, hiking, boating, camping and other outdoor activities.

Beyers Lake

Lake Shelbyville