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Kitchell Mansion
Civil War Captain Kitchell's Mansion
Captain John W. Kitchell served as a Captain for Abraham Lincoln both before and during his presidency. He was a close friend and was part of his burial detail that escorted the President back to Springfield on his final trip home to be laid to rest.
In 1876 he erected the three-story home at 208 Spruce. The site is at the top of the highest point in Pana and is said the Captain selected this high point to look over the city and out onto the Illinois prairie.
In 1882, he found a rich vein of coal in Pana that resulted in the sinking of four large coal mines. This led to coal mining in Pana.
Kitchell donated the public parks in Pana. He started the state agricultural experimental stations, erected a Lincoln monument in Rosamond cemetary and contributed liberally to many state institutions. He also helped organize the first Republican State Convention.
The home still reflects the Second Empire design, mansard roof, central tower, and front and side verandas. The home is owned by Joseph Kahak and Eni Duartz-Kahak.

Photo taken by Mary Katlin Photography
Located at 208 Spruce Street
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