Bid Opportunities
Please take notice that the City of Pana, by adoption of Ordinance #1999, has authorized the sale of the following described personal property. The property will be sold by online auction from Price Spracklen Auction Group. Interested parties may view property via the website designated by Price Spracklen Auction Group starting March 18, 2025. The auction will close on March 25, 2025. All sales shall be a cash sale. The property is being sold as is. Any closing and title costs to be paid by the buyer.
2000 Ford Crown Vic with Police Interceptor Package, white four-door, 132,380 miles (Vin 2FAFP71W9YX157370)
2010 Ford Expedition, white, 102,840 miles (Vin 1FMJU1G54A63604)
Used Bicycles; found/unclaimed bicycles and parts
Miscellaneous Tools; found/unclaimed tools
Misc. Electronic equipment unclaimed/found
Any other miscellaneous unclaimed/found properties in possession of Pana PD
Miscellaneous office items
Dated this 4th day of March, 2024 by:
Kim Toberman, City Clerk